

Der Lackierroboter P-250𝑖B/15 ist die beste Lösung der Branche für große und mittelgroße Lackieraufträge. Sein fortschrittliches und hochflexibles Sechs-Achsen-Design ist in seiner Montagekonfiguration an die anspruchsvollsten Lackieranwendungen anpassbar. Er verfügt über eine große Handhabungskapazität von bis zu 15 kg und einen großzügigen Arbeitsbereich von 2.800 mm.
Robot Payload
15 kg
Robot Reach
2800 mm

Vorteile für Ihr Unternehmen

Pictogram for

ATEX Approved

Operate safely in previously designated Zone 1 hazardous environments with a fully ATEX compliant, meeting Category 2 and Group IIG standards, paint robot.
Pictogram for Robot Reach (Robot) in black. SVG format.

Process Flexibility With Wide Reach

Maintain precise target distances and gun orientations over the largest of parts and maximise your quality while benefiting from a 2,800 mm envelope.
Pictogram for Hollow wrist arm cable (Robot) in black. SVG format.

Top Product Quality

Achieve top product quality by eliminating contamination from debris falling from exposed paint hoses thanks to the patented hollow wrist.
Pictogram for Easy Integration (Robot) in black. SVG format.

Easy Equipment Integration

Add flexibility to your painting and coating applications and benefit from a wide range of features and easy-to-integrate equipment.
Pictogram for Payload Top Mounted (Robot) in black. SVG format.

Maximum Flexibility

To get the most out of even the smallest of paint booths, this robot comes with floor, inverted, angle and wall mounting options for increased versatility.
Pictogram for Service (Service) in black. SVG format.

Service First

To help you get the best out of your products, we provide predictive, preventive, and reactive maintenance solutions, offering thousands of parts on-demand throughout your product's lifecycle.

Technische Daten

R-30𝑖B Plus Controller
Body standard/optional
Wrist & J3 arm standard/optional
Mounting Position
Ceiling mount
General attributes
Robot Payload
15 kg
Robot Reach
2800 mm

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Entdecken Sie die Produktserie

FANUC paint robots

Paint Serie

Der Industriestandard in der Lackierautomatisierung seit mehr als 40 Jahren. Entdecken Sie jetzt unsere Paint Serie.

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Lassen Sie sich vom Erfolg anderer inspirieren

Image related to the success story as Dovy Keukens
Dovy Keukens

Kitchen Manufacturer Steams Ahead With FANUC Robots

Dovy Keukens is a real success story: from a start-up using a flax shed in 1980 to a 55,000 m2 state-of-the art production facility today with around 430 employees. This progressive manufacturer of custom kitchens is one of the most sophisticated around, and sitting at the heart of its production plant are several six-axis industrial robots from FANUC.