
Powder Metallurgy Specialist Enjoys Dusting of FANUC Excellence

Where a new manufacturer quickly achieves success, it becomes necessary to find a suitable partner for factory automation. Selecting the optimal supplier will help the manufacturer to ramp-up quickly in line with growing customer demand, while simultaneously facilitating higher levels of productivity and efficiency.
FANUC Success Story video featuring Slovakian customer Gevorkyan with a ROBODRILL, a ROBOCUT and LR Mate 200iD robot in use.

Key Insights from Task to Result


When powder metallurgy specialist Gevorkyan began trading in 1996, customer demand and production throughput began to escalate quickly. The company soon realised that automation was the only way to support growth and ensure a competitive market offer.  


Gevorkyan initially installed FANUC ROBOCUT wire EDM machines in its toolroom, before adding FANUC ROBODRILL machining centres to another division. Today, this progressive company also has 30 FANUC robots across all areas of the production.  


Leveraging the benefits of FANUC products and customer service, Gevorkyan has seen costs decrease thanks to significant increases in productivity (up 30% in one particular division). Notably, the use of FANUC factory automation solutions means the company is now able to produce around the clock, seven days a week. 


Images for Gervokyan success story

Gevorkyan is a family-run business - founded and owned by Artur Gevorkyan - that specialises in powder metallurgy. Established in 1996, Gevorkyan is today a market leader in Europe and one of the most innovative companies in its sector worldwide, serving large multinational companies in more than 30 countries. Core business is not just conventional sintering, but also metal powder injection moulding, hot isostatic pressing and additive manufacturing. Gevorkyan is a member of European (EPMA) and international (AMPI) powder metallurgy associations, and holds many globally recognised quality accreditations. The company has state-of-the-art laboratory and R&D development centre at its headquarters in Vlkanová.


FANUC Puts Pedal to the Metal

Gevorkyan manufactures components for industries as diverse as automotive, security, agriculture, construction, petrochemical, textile, medicine, cosmetics and fashion. Producing more than 5 million parts a month, the company relies heavily on automation products from FANUC. 

“We’ve been co-operating with FANUC for 25 years,” states founder and owner Artur Gevorkyan. “We started by investing in FANUC ROBOCUT wire EDM machines for our toolroom because we develop over 150 new products every year. We continued this strategy by installing FANUC ROBODRILL machining centres for our mechanical treatment division. Today, we also have 30 FANUC robots, including the LR Mate 200𝑖D, fulfilling a wide variety of tasks around our facility.” 

Images for Gervokyan success story

The main benefit of Gevorkyan’s co-operation with FANUC is the successful reduction of costs. In addition, the use of FANUC CNC machines simplifies training for operators and provides commonality of control throughout the factory.  

“By using FANUC technologies, one particular division has seen overall productivity increase by approximately 30%,” reveals Gevorkyan. “The FANUC machines and robots also make our work easier and expand our capacity. For instance, thanks to the use of FANUC industrial robots in our production hall we’re able to operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.” 

Images for Gervokyan success story
Testimonials quote

Arthur Gevorkyan

Company Owner

It is not only FANUC products that facilitate the productive and efficient processing of work at Gevorkyan, but also FANUC’s knowledgeable service team, which reacts immediately in the rare event of an interruption to the company’s continuous production. 

“The customer service from FANUC is perfect,” states Gevorkyan. “That’s why we remain loyal to the FANUC brand, and also because no other company could offer us such a top-notch combination of hardware and software solutions.”  

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