All FANUC entities have suspended their shipments to Russia and Belarus, and service and maintenance for our installed products are not provided within those countries.
In the manufacturing industry, IIoT supports operations and processes by helping you to reduce business costs and boost profits. By connecting devices, overall maintenance costs can be lowered through the application of predictive maintenance rather reactive maintenance. In smart factories, important savings are generated by a reduction in the use of consumables, an extension of machine life and the more efficient use of energy. Furthermore, bottlenecks in production might be identified at an earlier stage, resulting in prompt remedial action.
Explore how IIoT products can support your efforts to reduce production costs.
With business evolution and growth, many manufacturers find themselves running a disparate assortment of machinery, automation and other production systems, often supplied by many different vendors. This situation makes some production plants think that effective data management using a single IIoT platform is not possible. Well, FANUC’s FIELD s...