AS Adhesive Solutions

Joining Forces: FANUC Cobot is Optimal Solution for AS Adhesive Solutions

Automation is not just for high-volume applications. AS Adhesive Solutions, a specialist consultant and partner for the adhesives industry, recognises that many SMEs processing small quantities can benefit from full or part-automated processes. In such instances, a collaborative robot (cobot) often provides the optimal way forward.
FANUC success story about successful implementation of a collaborative robot CRX-10iA at the German company AS Adhesive Solutions

Key Insights from Task to Result


With the marketplace evolving, AS Adhesive Solutions wanted to identify an automated solution that could facilitate its broad range of services for the adhesives industry. These services include developing new joining processes, delivering contract bonding services and devising training concepts that help customers train employees in the application of the latest adhesives.


AS Adhesive Solutions turned to collaborative robot (cobot) technology, specifically the FANUC CRX-10𝑖A. Factors influencing the purchase decision include the CRX’s innovative under-flip motion, its tablet teach pendant with ‘drag and drop’ programming functionality and the ability to guide the CRX by hand to ‘teach’ a series of positions.


Now fully operational at AS Adhesive Solutions, the FANUC CRX-10𝑖A is helping the company provide customers with an extensive list of services, facilitating the precise and reliable application of adhesives to complex workpieces. The company has also developed a bespoke control system and implemented its own icons into the CRX that allow even easier programming and integration.

AS Adhesive Solutions

FANUC success story about successful implementation of a collaborative robot CRX-10iA at the German company AS Adhesive Solutions

Dreieich, just south of Frankfurt, Germany, is the location of AS Adhesive Solutions, a specialist consultant and partner for the adhesives industry. Thanks to years of experience in advising on adhesives and offering contract bonding services, the company provides its customers with a wide variety of adhesive solutions for every requirement. AS Adhesive Solutions also supports clients with laboratory and test work, and offers concepts to help companies train their employees in the use of the latest adhesives. In recent years, the company has become increasingly involved in bonding with collaborative robots (cobots).

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No Sticking Points With FANUC CRX Cobots

“Cobots are interesting because they offer many advantages over conventional industrial robots,” states Marco Rodriguez, Managing Director of AS Adhesive Solutions. “We can realise easy integration at SMEs, where we can process small quantities in a fully or partially automated way. We’re noticing that SMEs are engaged and ready to adopt this innovative technology.”

Rodriguez says the pandemic showed everyone that industry has to automate, even those processing small quantities, if the world is to guarantee its supply of manufactured products.

AS Adhesive Solutions Success Story image (Germany)
(Snapshot from video MVI-04452-RO Success Story as adhesive solutions)

“These are things we can solve very well with cobots,” he adds. “The FANUC CRX cobot, in particular, has several advantages from my point of view. One major benefit is the highly functional under-flip motion. The FANUC CRX can swivel on its axis in a single, smooth motion, almost doubling the available working range. As a result, it can work at the front and back at the same time without having to swivel over its head. This capability saves us a lot of time as it’s easy to work quickly.”

Rodriguez also has praise for the tablet teach pendant, which facilitates ‘drag and drop’ programming. This functionality allows users to program an application easily in a matter of minutes, while providing a good overview of the programming process.

“Additionally, I can adjust the fine position using the teach tablet, which is very important because we must pay attention to very precise dimensions,” says Rodriguez

AS Adhesive Solutions Success Story image (Germany). 
(Snapshot from video MVI-04452-RO Success Story as adhesive solutions)
Testimonials quote

Marco Rodriguez

Managing Director, Adhesive solutions

Another impressive feature of the CRX is that users can guide it by hand to ‘teach’ a series of positions. Operators simply move the cobot arm to a position, confirm it, and move it to the next position.

AS Adhesive Solutions reports that the co-operation with FANUC was first class throughout the project, from initial contact to commissioning, and on to aftersales support.

“After commissioning we had help available over the phone if we had any questions,” concludes Rodriguez. “FANUC always provided a quick answer. I can only pour praise on a really good project relationship.”

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