3d simulation of an Automotive Line

FANUC Industrial Robots

Uncover over 100 world-renowned industrial robots and cobots designed for versatile and reliable automation used by manufacturers worldwide.
With more than 100 models, FANUC offers the widest range of industrial robots in the world. Covering a diverse range of applications and industries, FANUC robots are easy to operate and provide complete flexibility thanks to a range of application-specific options, straightforward integration, payloads up to 2.3 t and maximum reaches up to 4.7 m.

Find the Ideal FANUC Industrial Robot for Your Manufacturing Needs

From compact table-top robots to extremely robust robots that can handle even the heaviest payloads - With 21 series and over 100 specialised models available, we offer the largest range of industrial robots on the market to cover every need, application or industry.

With help from our Robot Finder Tool, find the right FANUC robot for you.

Three FANUC employees standing

Efficient Support and Service for all FANUC Products

We prioritise your productivity with tailored support solutions for your robotic needs. From predictive maintenance to spare parts availability as long as your product is in use, we ensure your operations run smoothly throughout your product's lifecycle. No matter your service needs, count on us to keep your production lines efficient and profit...

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Get Inspiration from Others' Success

FANUC Robot palletising of turf rolls
Green Services

FANUC Robot Takes to Farming

Heavy lifting and physical strain are now a distant memory at Green Services. The automated palletising system featuring the FANUC robot is today providing safe and productive operation.

Success story about the successful implementation of FANUC heavy-duty robot M-2000iA/2300 and a FANUC Arc welding robot at NTM's Finnish plant

Heavy Lifting for Truck Construction

NTM was able to increase the production capacity for its refuse collection vehicles by opting to automate the night shift. By using a heavy-duty robot that can lift up to two tonnes and a robotic welding solution, the company's Finnish plant can now work unmanned at night or on weekends.

Success story about successful implementation of FANUC robots, and cobots at the Turkish company Silverline.

Cooker Hood Manufacturer Extracts the Advantages of FANUC Robots

The co-operation between FANUC and extractor hood manufacturer Silverline, which started with a special automated bonding project in 2015, has led to a total of 17 robots working across the companyโ€™s factory in Turkey. FANUC regularly sees this kind of outcome, where taking the initial leap into robot investment leads to an almost immediate real...

Images referring to the case study Erkul cosmetics FTR
Erkul Cosmetics

Cosmetics Manufacturer Sees the Beauty of FANUC Automation

Erkul Cosmetics in Turkey benefits from a myriad of quality and efficiency benefits provided by various high-performance FANUC automation products. This fast-growing cosmetics enterprise is looking to set a benchmark for manufacturing in its sector, supported by the competitive gains that FANUC solutions provide.

Success Story AlphaRobotica pictures and media
Alpha Robotica

FANUC Robots Help Mask Producer Face up to the Challenge

When production demand accelerates dramatically in a short space of time, robots and automation can help meet requirements much faster than many realise. However, this outcome depends heavily on the selection of robots that are easy to install, program and commission.