All FANUC entities have suspended their shipments to Russia and Belarus, and service and maintenance for our installed products are not provided within those countries.
As an industry leader, we recognise that every step we take affects not only the development of our company, but also that of the entire manufacturing and automation industry. This attitude is reflected in our unwavering commitment to transparency, sustainability and ethical behaviour.
We want to provide indispensable values across the globe through incessant technological innovations in the field of factory automation, and continue to be a company that is trusted by all stakeholders.
Get an in-depth look into our pioneering solutions, technological innovations, factories and comprehensive company insights.
FANUC has consistently pursued factory automation since 1955 when it started the development of NCs (numerical controls). At that time, the management targeted to become a company though small in size, with the robustness of a giant. The aim was to focus on technological development by "walking a straight and narrow path." This strategy is being pursued to this day.
In order to turn this vision into reality, the FANUC Group has established "Genmitsu" (Strict Preciseness) and "Tomei" (Transparency) as its basic principles. Inherent in these principles is the belief that a company with strict precision will last forever and be solid, and that the corruption of an organisation and the downfall of a company start with a lack of transparency.
FANUC engages in the FA, ROBOT and ROBOMACHINE businesses. The FA Unit encompasses key technologies consisting of NCs, servos and lasers, which are also applied to the ROBOT and ROBOMACHINE Units. In addition, by actively incorporating IoT/AI technologies in all three areas, the company endeavors to make FANUC products more efficient for customers to use. Being true to its origins as a supplier of capital goods, maintenance and service support is provided for FANUC products for as long as they are used by customers.
Through such activities, the FANUC Group contributes to the development of manufacturing industries in Japan and overseas, by promoting automation and efficiency in customers’ factories. FANUC expects to steadily grow in the field of factory automation, which is extremely promising in the mid-to-long term.
Under the slogan of “one FANUC,” the three Units of FA, ROBOT and ROBOMACHINE collaborate to offer comprehensive solutions, and the Group bonds together to take good care of our customers throughout the world. This is a unique advantage of the FANUC Group which we leverage to the fullest. Especially, the combined usage of CNC machines and ROBOTs, and the automation of ROBOMACHINEs with ROBOTs, are perceived as key concepts in developing products.
As a manufacturer of capital equipment used in production facilities, FANUC is meticulous in designing its products to be ‘reliable, predictable and easy to repair’ in order to minimise downtime and maximise the operating rate in our customers' factories.
As acquiring skilled labour becomes more difficult and demands for factory automation are increasing, further emphasis is placed on ease of use of FANUC products.
In order to develop highly competitive products and introduce them to the market, FANUC vigorously invests in research and development.
"Service First" is a basic policy followed by the FANUC Group. Through "Service First," high level maintenance service in line with FANUC's global standards are provided anywhere in the world. Particularly, FANUC offers "Lifetime Maintenance" of all FANUC products for as long as they are used by our customers. This is a primary feature of the FANUC Group that we will continually focus on.
Basic policies from the past to make the company stronger will be promoted from a long-term perspective. These include making our products more competitive, strengthening sales and service activities, advancing factory automation and robotisation, reducing expenses and time, and streamlining operations.
By actively applying IoT and AI technologies to all fields of FA, ROBOT and ROBOMACHINE, customers’ manufacturing processes are made more efficient.
As a supplier of capital goods, FANUC will fulfill its responsibilities to supply under any circumstances. To this end, manufacturing sites and service offices are being increased and established in various locations so that service activities can be maintained. Furthermore, measures are being taken to strengthen our supply chain. Examples are procuring parts from multiple suppliers, and stocking an adequate amount of parts.
From the viewpoint that human resources is most vital for mid-to-long term growth, improvements in the work environment and motivation of employees are considered important topics to be addressed. In addition, looking to the future, FANUC is investing heavily in human capital to recruit and train the necessary employees. Through such efforts, human capital is continuously enriched.
In addition to operating margins, ordinary margins and ROE, market shares are regarded as being critical management indices. Assessments and judgments are made comprehensively based on such indices.