Panorama of FANUC headquarter at the the foot of Mount Fuji, near Lake Yamanaka, Japan, 2022.

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22 Offices – 1-22 Offices
European FANUC Israel Service Office in Rosh Ha'Ayin.

FANUC Automation Israel LTD

HaMelacha St. 14, Park Afek

4809135 Rosh Ha’Ayin


+972 397 399 00
European FANUC Benelux Service Office in Mechelen.

FANUC Benelux BV

Oude Baan 3F

2800 Mechelen


+32 15788810
European FANUC Bulgaria Service Office in Sofia.


467 "Okolovrasten pat", (Logic park STAD)

1588 Sofia


+359 2 49 29 369
European FANUC Czech Service Office in Prague.

FANUC Czech s.r.o.

K Bílému vrchu 3142/7, Praha 9

193 00 Horní Počernice


+420 234 072 900
European FANUC Nordic Service Office in Denmark.

FANUC Denmark

Forskerparken 10

5230 Odense


+45 7071 6000
European FANUC Germany Service Office in Neuhausen.

FANUC Deutschland GmbH

Bernhäuser Straße 36

73765 Neuhausen a.d.F.


+49 7158 1282 0
European FANUC Europe Service Office in Luxembourg, in Echternach.

FANUC Europe Corporation

7 Rue Benedikt Zender

6468 Echternach


+352 72 77 77 0
European FANUC Nordic Service Office in Finland.

FANUC Finland

Äyritie 12 A

01510 Vantaa


+46 8 505 80 700
European FANUC France Service Office in Evry.

FANUC France (Evry)

15, rue Léonard de Vinci

91090 Lisses


+33 1 72 07 30 00
European FANUC Hungary Service Office in Budapest.

FANUC Hungary Kft.

Torbágy utca 7

2045 Törökbálint


+36 23 884 200
European FANUC Iberia Service Office in Barcelona.

FANUC Iberia S.L.U.

Carrer del Danubi, 12-16, Sant Cugat del Vallès

08174 Castelldefels


+34 936 64 1335
European FANUC Ireland Service Office in Dublin.

FANUC Ireland Limited

Unit K8, Maynooth Business Campus

W23 PP97 Dublin


+44 02476 05 3000
European FANUC Nordic Service Office in Sweden, in Malmö.


Djurhagegatan 10

213 76 Malmö


+46 8 505 80 700
European FANUC Serbia Service Office in Nova Pazova.

FANUC Serbia d.o.o.

Karađorđeva 166

22300 Stara Pazova


+381 22 21 50 324
European FANUC Slovakia Service Office in Nitra.

FANUC Slovakia s.r.o.

Pri Jelšine 3636/1

949 01 Nitra


+421 37 3212 400
European FANUC Switzerland Service Office in Biel.

FANUC Switzerland GmbH

Grenchenstrasse 7

2504 Biel/Bienne


+41 32 343 4444
European FANUC Czech Service Office in Istanbul

FANUC Turkey Endustriyel Otomasyon Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Eyüp Sultan Mahallesi Gülibrişim Sokak, No: 2

34885 Sancaktepe


+90 4449362
European FANUC United Kingdom Service Office in Coventry.

FANUC UK Limited

Sapphire Way, Ansty Business Park

CV7 9DR Coventry

United Kingdom

+44 02476 05 3000
Ipavčeva 21
+386 3 777 41 30
HaMelacha St. 14
Park Afek
+972 397 399 00
Ferma 9, Hala 25
+40 747 232 682
Oude Baan 3F
+32 15788810
467 "Okolovrasten pat"
(Logic park STAD)
+359 2 49 29 369
K Bílému vrchu 3142/7
Praha 9
+420 234 072 900
Forskerparken 10
+45 7071 6000
Bernhäuser Straße 36
+49 7158 1282 0
7 Rue Benedikt Zender
+352 72 77 77 0
Äyritie 12 A
+46 8 505 80 700
15, rue Léonard de Vinci
+33 1 72 07 30 00
Torbágy utca 7
+36 23 884 200
Carrer del Danubi, 12-16
Sant Cugat del Vallès
+34 936 64 1335
Unit K8, Maynooth Business Campus
+44 02476 05 3000
Via Lodi, 13
+39 2 36 015 015
Djurhagegatan 10
+46 8 505 80 700
ul. Sakury 2
+48 71 8814 608
Karađorđeva 166
+381 22 21 50 324
Pri Jelšine 3636/1
+421 37 3212 400
Grenchenstrasse 7
+41 32 343 4444
Eyüp Sultan Mahallesi Gülibrişim Sokak
No: 2
+90 4449362
Sapphire Way, Ansty Business Park
+44 02476 05 3000