Alpha Robotica

FANUC Robots Help Mask Producer Face up to the Challenge

When production demand accelerates dramatically in a short space of time, robots and automation can help meet requirements much faster than many realise. However, this outcome depends heavily on the selection of robots that are easy to install, program and commission.
Success story video featuring the companies Lemoine Holland, Simple Robotic Automation and Alpha Robotica producing face masks. Products used SCARA robots and R-2000iB. Music only, English textboxes. Duration: 1:21

Key Insights from Task to Result


With the Covid-19 pandemic taking hold, Lemoine Holland required a super-fast way of producing face masks to help control the virus. It was clear that automation would provide the best way forward.


Several FANUC robots, including industrial, mini and SCARA types, were installed at Lemoine Holland, providing an effective way for the company to automate its manufacturing processes. To ensure rapid installation and commissioning, Simple Robotic Automation and Alpha Robotica provided system integration and robot programming, respectively.


With the help of FANUC robots and application experts, Lemoine Holland was able to realise a fully automated face mask production line in just one month. The line operates at a speed of 60 masks per minute without any need of human input.

Alpha Robotica

Alpha Robotica originated from the first FANUC robot integrator in the Benelux region. After gathering more than 10 years of experience, the company launched in 2001, soon becoming a respected expert in the programming of industrial robots for both end users and system integrators. Thanks to its wide expertise, Alpha Robotica can manage all software versions and applications, new and existing. Company specialists work with leading integrators and can easily make adjustments to existing systems or prepare software for other programmers.

Success Story AlphaRobotica pictures and media

FANUC Robots: A Breath of Fresh Air

Lemoine Holland is part of the global Groupe Lemoine, headquartered in France, which has unique expertise in the manufacture of cotton-based skin care and hygiene products.

With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, Lemoine Holland wanted to install an automated face mask production line in double-quick time. By tapping into the solutions and capabilities of FANUC (robot manufacturer), Simple Robotic Automation (a supplier of custom solutions in industrial automation, robotics and motion) and Alpha Robotica (a specialist in robot programming), the company was able to establish a fully automated face mask production line in just one month.

Success Story AlphaRobotica pictures and media

The production line consists of four linked assembly stations featuring a number of FANUC SCARA and industrial robots. Operations comprise mask production, stacking, packaging and palletising functions, producing face masks at a speed of 60 per minute.

The first operation is mask production/assembly. At the end of this line sits a FANUC SR-3๐‘–A SCARA robot, which unloads and stacks completed masks at a rate of 1 per second. Here, a vision camera performs a quality check.

Stacked masks travel via a conveyor to a FANUC R-2000๐‘–B/210F robot, which transfers all stacks to two packaging machines. It undertakes this task by lifting an entire section of the modular conveyor before orientating and placing it accordingly.


Success Story AlphaRobotica pictures and media

At the end of each packaging machine, which inserts the stacked face masks into sealed plastic packages, a FANUC LR Mate 200๐‘–D mini robot boxes two packages simultaneously. Finally, another FANUC R-2000๐‘–B/210F robot palletises the boxes ready for shipping.

Beyond the reliable and efficient performance of the FANUC robots, key to the success of this project was the early involvement of expert technology partners, Simple Robotic Automation and Alpha Robotica. For every project, Alpha Robotica takes a pragmatic and goal-oriented approach, characterising itself with involvement at the engineering/concept stage. In this way, Alpha Robotica focuses on making a strong and mutually valuable relationship.

The face mask production process at Lemoine Holland features complete automation, negating the need for human labour and providing a highly cost-effective and reliable solution. This outcome was much needed during such a widescale health emergency and today continues to provide a secure source of face masks with demand levels remaining high.

Success Story AlphaRobotica pictures and media

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