An example of innovative use of robotic solutions combined to a conveyor is what Flexlink has achieved for an important medical device producer who needed to increase productivity. Flexlink's intervention aimed to connect the assembly line in a more effective manner, ensuring a higher productivity compared to the previous activities that were only handled by hand and, simultaneously, by implementing greater quality control to avoid jamming caused by the presence of products that were not deposited in the correct manner. The piece to be handled, depending on the production lot, is closed by a lid of a different color that identifies its length and size.
The peculiarity of this piece, from a manipulation viewpoint, is that it requires a very unique positioning; it cannot simply be moved and deposited, some elements must be appropriately folded and, subsequently, delicately pushed and inserted in its packaging.
Furthermore, another inherent difficulty faced in the course of this project was to reach the
work speed requested, equal to 60 pieces a minute.